metau resilient forests
Our Purpose
Having grown up in Eastern Washington, I have a great appreciation for the sights, fragrances, and textures of its landscape, especially the ponderosa pine. I'm passionate about enabling healthy and resilient forests through thoughtful thinning and plant management that meets my customer's goals while taking cues from the land and the plants.
With decades of experience pruning as well as experience thinning trees, firefighter type 2 certification and education in forestry and fire ecology, my purpose is to contribute to these great trees' bounty in Eastern Washington and enabling the people living near them to be safer from wildfire.
Sincerely, Wes Johns
Our Methods
As a licensed (METAURF801RU / Farm labor Contract #169-25), bonded, and insured contractor, Metau does this with hand tools that enable us to thin in any type of area including steep slopes and areas prone to ruts and erosion that can be damaged by equipment on wheels.
Our customers typically want to make their surroundings safer from wildfire and in some cases enable a healthier forest to encourage more wildlife and improve the aesthetics of their surroundings.

Wildfire Protection
My experience and education in fire and wildfire gives me a keen respect for its power, and the importance of knowledge in controlling its risks.
That experience includes:
Hundreds of burn piles burned without incident
Experience on numerous prescribed burns without incident
Volunteer firefighter with Chelan County #3 Fire Department in Leavenworth since 2021
Wildfire Firefighter 1 & 2 Training
Forest Stewardship Education- WSU Forestry Extension
Fire Ecology Education- University of Idaho
Slopes present a unique risk as fire moves fast up slopes. If your dwelling is on or near a slope, we'll prioritize this area in our thinning prescription. Otherwise, we'll discuss how to thoughtfully thin using Firewise® practices to achieve your goals.

Enabling a healthier ecosystem that is good habitat for a variety of animals is a noble goal. Nature is diverse, and with that we strive to mimic the diversity of wildlife's habitat. Individual (trees), Clumps (of trees), and Openings (space) (ICO) is the methodology we use to do this. Click for more about balancing fuel suppression with wildlife friendly habitat.

Healthy Trees
Maybe you want to ensure your biggest or favorite trees survive for generations of pleasure or for commercial harvest. We'll discuss your tree priorities and ensure the trees you want to flourish are enabled to do so.
Transforming a forest from this:

to this:

is an example of achieving a healthier environment for trees and wildlife, while reducing wildfire risk.